With Marvin Robert's years of experience in writing, you can be assured of high-quality content that meets your individual needs. Marvin Robert Wohlhueter has expertise in various key life issues including relationships, debt elimination, career development and personal growth. His insight is priceless as he leads you through life.
Marvin Robert Wohlhueter values individual satisfaction and always strives to exceed expectations. With a keen eye for relevant content and a passion for delivering quality topics, Marvin Robert Wohlhueter, has built a reputation as a REAL and timely writer. He has written 7 books so far and has ideas for many more. (see below)
No two people are the same, and Marvin Robert Wohlhueter understands that. He offers customized material through his books to meet your specific needs, whether it's developing a growing relationship or working on personal growth, etc., Marvin Robert gives you nuggets to grab onto and implement.
Expectations vs. Reality - Need I say more? We have all been at the crossroads of what we expected life to look like and how it turns out. The REAL life has overtaken the IDEAL life, resulting in frustration, confusion, and pain. If you are honest, there is a "tension'' in your mind and heart that rages every day of your existence. You are not alone in wondering if this constant shifting is happening to others. Quite honestly, everyone is going through similar dynamics. Discover how to grow and even thrive in this tension gap life you are living. The REAL and the IDEAL are in a perpetual battle, a conflict if you will, but you can be an overcomer. God meets you in the lonely places, the quiet places, the hard places, and the barren places. He comforts. He guides. He restores. And, You Win! Lean into this great read and enrich your soul with tools and truths to bolster a brighter future.
Not What I Expected! It does not take many years on planet Earth to realize that life does not always play out as you expect. You might even say that your expectations of life and unfolding reality are at opposite ends of the spectrum. I am sure you never saw this coming. Why? Because you grow up with an Ideal view of living and you expect it to manifest in your daily plans. Yet, as each day passes, your Real-life emerges quite the contrary to the life you dreamed. What can you learn when life does not go as planned? Step into the pages of this storyline and identify with its offering of healing, help, and hope.
When You Walk Thru the Fire? Now that you know that life does not always play fair, what do you do when life goes sideways? As a sequel book to “Not What I Expected!”, When You Walk Thru the Fire offers insight, instruction, and clarity on what you can do to rise above life’s hurdles. Based on a Biblical narrative of the Veggie Tales story: Rack, Shack, and Benny, this book explores God’s hand in difficult times and guides the reader into personal growth and spiritual maturity. Each chapter provides building blocks for life’s obstacles and offers hope for anyone in dire straits.
From Calamity to Victory. Every day you face challenges and circum-stances that cause calamity. It could be your child being suspended from school for fighting. What if your spouse gets a bad health report from the family doctor? You may even have an aging parent needing assistance with daily tasks. Or, you may even get fired or downsized from your job. No! Life is certainly not stable these days. Not in my life and probably not in yours either. You long for victory over the multitude of difficulties you face. In this book, Dr. Marvin Robert Wohlhueter takes you on a journey "From Calamity to Victory!" Sure, life can throw you many punches, yet it does not have to knock you out. God's Word is clear that you can be an "Overcomer" Do you believe this to be true in your life? You should! Victory is yours for the taking and God is dishing it out to you in great proportions. Lean into this opportunity for your marriage, family, future, and life.
The Way Maker Marriage. What is the Way Maker’s approach? It is doing the impossible things that need to be done! Trust in each other, the oneness of mind, financially united, family-centric, extended family sensitive, determined to go the distance, forever in love, etc. The insurmountable issues can be brought low as the Way Maker takes control of your married life. If God can part the Red Sea, then He can part your challenges as well. He can raise a dead marriage just like He raised the dead in the Scriptures. God can make the walls fall, just like He did around Jericho. Yes, throughout the Bible, God did the unfeasible, and your marriage can be no different. He is well ABLE! God longs for you to have a Way Maker marriage.
I was the Guest Writer for this book.
Even a Seasoned Police Officer like Stephen Lynch Harrison, Sr. faces daily ethical challenges. The line between right and wrong blurs as fellow officers, well-known in their field, pursue fast financial gains. Despite this, Stephen consistently sensed an inner awareness that their actions lacked honor and legality, ultimately entangling him in a complex web of deception that proved difficult to break free from.The title "From Cop to Convict to Christ" isn't chosen for mere attention-grabbing; it authentically captures Stephen's journey. Once a Florida law enforcement member, he transitioned from a Police Officer to a federal inmate for seven years. Yet, God had a more profound narrative unfolding. Considering his time in prison, Stephen's life was part of a master plan orchestrated by God. Immerse yourself in Stephen's narrative and uncover the triumphant grace of God.
Bombs! We all have them. They show up unexpectedly and unannounced. Fierce and relentless, they consume our time and attention. Why are they called Bombs? Each area can blow up your life if you don't allow God to give you some insight, wisdom, and instruction to master each one. These Bombs will cause your life to become a chore and an energy-draining existence. Nevertheless, your life can be different. In the pages of Bombs Away! Marvin Robert offers his assistance and instruction on how to navigate the explosive Bombs in your daily schedule. So, you can be prepared to overcome them all.
Every Sparrow That Falls - He Knows Them All - In a world that tends to overlook individuals and pass by people, hurriedly, as invisible, your Heavenly Father pauses and peers into your world every moment of the day. God sees you, and He knows your inner workings and your challenges. Your life has His attention. As we unpack the words of the song by songwriter and singer Sammy Price, “Every Sparrow,” every line of the lyrics speaks to the soul crying out for God to intervene and change one’s life. Can you relate to such a declaration? Yes, God sees every sparrow that falls. And, He sees your life too. As the iconic song states, “I sing because I am happy, and I sing because I am free. If His eye is on the sparrow, then I know He watches me.” Let that truth sink into your heart and mind. God sees you! And, He Knows Your Name! So, rejoice and be glad in the Lord today. And, the BEST part is that He Loves you dearly and finds tremendous pleasure in your life.
Click to hear the Song: Sparrow by Stone Echo.
Read the Sampler below!